I used to be a person who always said yes to everything, even if I didn’t want to do that. I believed that making others happy is what I should prioritize. However, my perspective changed after I went on a trip to Goa, this experience I have already shared, you can check it out here.
During this trip, I realized that I was sacrificing my own happiness and well-being in order to please others. I decided to give myself importance by learning to say no. This was a difficult transition, as I had always been the person that others could rely on and turned to for help.

The first time I said no was when my close friend offered me concert passes at last-minute. I had already made other plans and realized that I didn't want to change them for the concert. I said NO. My friend was surprised and taken aback, but I knew I had made the right choice for myself.
Over time, I found that prioritizing my own needs had a positive impact on my mental health and overall happiness. And realized that having a large group of friends wasn't as important as having a few genuine ones. Quality is more important than quantity when it comes to relationships.
It's okay to say no when it doesn't feel right, and that doing so can actually lead to greater happiness and fulfillment in the long run. Overall, this experience taught me the importance of setting boundaries and prioritizing my own well-being. It allowed me to live a happier and more authentic life.