I used to have a really unhealthy relationship with food, constantly comparing myself to others and feeling guilty whenever I ate anything that wasn't "healthy." It wasn't until I started making small changes that I realized just how much power I had over my own body and mind😌
Firstly, I stopped comparing myself to others. I realized that everyone's body is different, and what works for one person might not work for me. Instead of trying to mold myself into someone else's idea of "healthy," I started focusing on what felt good for my own body💪🏼 I made healthy swaps where I could – swapping out sugary snacks for fresh fruits, for example. But I didn't restrict myself to the point of misery.

Another thing that helped me was being more mindful of what I was putting in my body. I started paying attention to how different foods made me feel – both physically and mentally. I found that certain foods, like broccoli and sweet potatoes, made me feel energized and satisfied, while others, like processed snacks and sugary drinks, left me feeling slow and guilty🤔
But perhaps the most important thing I learned was how to practice mindful eating. This means taking the time to appreciate each bite of food, instead of mindlessly scarfing it down. I found that when I ate slowly and mindfully, I was more aware of when I was full and less likely to overeat.
Overall, developing a healthy relationship with food has been a journey, but it's one that's been so worth it. Learning to appreciate foods that agree with my body and make me feel good has been incredibly empowering and I'm so grateful for the lessons I've learned along the way😎